The SouthWest Affiliate has been
hard at work this spring, bringing our life-saving message to the Hispanic
community. We recently wrapped up
another successful Vestido Rojo season, with our best results ever.

Vestido Rojo
events give women the opportunity to receive complimentary health screenings,
learn their risk of CVD, and participate in classes on healthy living. We hosted events in six cities with a total
attendance of 1,776 women (up 18% from last year) and provided over 900 health
screenings. San Antonio hosted the
largest event in the nation, with over 600 attendees. Dallas, Fort Worth, and Austin also boasted
their largest Vestido Rojo events ever this year.
One of the most
exciting elements of our Vestido Rojo events is that we celebrate the
importance of getting active with a little Zumba and salsa aerobics. The
growth, excitement, and energy behind Vestido Rojo continues to grow largely to
the implementation of our Madrina concept.
A Madrina (Godmother in
Spanish) is a community member who serves as a health ambassador by
inviting friends and family members to attend the event and be a guest at a
Madrina’s table. The Madrina also works with her group to encourage them to
participate in break-out sessions and become familiar with healthy messages.
This concept has gained so much popularity and support that we were able to
recruit over 155 Madrinas this year, contributing directly to the growth of our

While Vestido
Rojo features a lot of beneficial education and health screenings, it was a
life-saving event for one Fort Worth attendee. After a health screening, Diane
Ortiz was told her blood sugar count was 432 (showing she is diabetic) and her
blood pressure was over 200. The health professional examining her recommended
Ms. Ortiz go the emergency room as soon as possible. Ms. Ortiz had a friend
take her to the emergency room at Baylor All Saints hospital in Fort Worth,
where she was immediately admitted. The doctors told her it was likely she
would have died within a week if she hadn’t come to the hospital. We were happy
to her that Ms. Ortiz is now out of the hospital and doing much better. She
contacted our Fort Worth team to let them know that she is improving and truly believes
that Vestido Rojo saved her life.
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