Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Get Your Hands On Hands Only CPR

new-cpr-imageLearning Hands-Only CPR is now even easier. Just go to http://click.heartemail.org/?qs=65b2303deb3314d77e7c7151551d245d65d3f732d97f681665563ae88dbc8a75for a new digital application that walks you through the two steps of Hands-Only CPR: calling 9-1-1 and pushing hard and fast in the center of the chest until professional help arrives. You try it out on a female or male torso that you choose from a gallery of bodies. When you're done, you can share the application with friends and family via Facebook or Twitter.

Seventy percent of Americans feel helpless to act during a cardiac emergency because they either don't know how to administer CPR or their training has significantly lapsed. But performing Hands-Only CPR on adults who suddenly collapse can more than double their chances of survival.

To learn more about the application and Hands-OnlyTM CPR, including a one-minute instructional video, visit handsonlycpr.org.


  1. This is really good information. I have been trying to find CPR Classes Online, since I want to get certified.

  2. Thanks Cat! You can always find CPR Classes using our "Find a CPR Class tool": http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/CPRAndECC/FindaCPRClass/Find-a-CPR-Class_UCM_303220_SubHomePage.jsp
